Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 4 - 2014

As I've said before, worshiping with Brother Carlos and the congregation in the Valley of the Angels is the highlight of our week here.  Sunday alone is totally worth the trip to Honduras.  Today was no exception! We were reminded that although we may be separated by language barriers and many, many miles, we are all one in Christ. We are greeted with such genuine warmth and love - we are truly made to feel at home!

As service started, we took turns singing songs in English and Spanish. Joe did an excellent job of leading our group with the English songs.
And, as always, Ricky brought a very good message. This year's sermon tied nicely into our theme of "Beautiful Things". 
After the service, we we're treat to a skit by the children of the congregation. 
Then we all played a little soccer and volley ball while the ladies of the congregation cooked lunch. 

After lunch, we distributed eye glasses while Dr. Paul held an impromptu clinic. He ended up seeing about a dozen church members. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon shopping in the Valley of the Angels and then stopped by KFC on the way back to the Hotel. 

Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!

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